The B&B rises from the reconstruction of an old ruin. It represents the combination between tradition and innovation blending comfort of our time to the components of the homes of the past.

It happened many times to watch that old ruin when driving along the road to the sea, but for sure we never imagined that it would one day be ours!
The orange grove and the ancient trees that surrounded it seemed the perfect framework to that old house that undoubtedly had much to tell.

The stone and mud masonry were slowly crumbling down and those old trees were becoming witness of a history of decline which may have lasted for over one century.
It was a place which seemed abandoned by the man, but not from life. On the contrary, life renewed itself through the regular cycle of its fruits that ripened in every season of all these years. All has stayed so until the former owners decided to sell the house and its orchard.

And here we go for a new adventure made of hard work and many cares for this old house which we had always treated as if it were a living being.
The renovation works which lasted a few years had been distinguished by the recovery of all the original material found in the property, as well as the careful employment of new ones of the Sardinian tradition.
What is maintained here is the charm of the heritage of an ancient home…ceilings made up of wooden beams, Sardinian window sills, doors and windows made by master craftsmen and a roof made of ancient Sardinian tiles.

“I muri in pietra sono stati restaurati da Roberto ( il proprietario ), diventando il vero valore aggiunto di q“The stone walls have all been restored by Roberto himself – the owner – becoming the real added value of this house. He has also made numerous pieces of furniture with natural material, such as tables, chairs, benches, bedside tables, as well as lamps and mirrors”.
Ogni giorno lavoriamo per riportare questo vecchio rudere all’antica vitalità nel rispetto dWe work every day to bring to life this ancient ruin to its former vitality in compliance with its history which will surely last a long time…